Well weather wise this was not how I was hoping to see the last day of March 2021. It has been decidedly dull, cloudy and chilly for most of the day. I was hoping there might be a lovely sky tonight, but it was not to be. The lake was choppy and all of the ice seems to have now gone.

So my little photography offering tonight is the north west sky first and south west sky to follow.

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A Shark on Simcoe? - A LAKE FOR ALL SEASONS

A dull overcast afternoon for a walk along the shore and I spotted it, a shark on Simcoe…

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or so I thought. I am of course joking! I can only think it is a dock board from one of the number of wrecked docks from the ice floes this Spring. There is definitely much more debris this year floating about than I’ve seen in a while.

Most of the ice has now gone apart from a few mounds by docks on points. The fishers are already out once again on the open water.

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And then the pairs of courting geese are doing their thing…a new season awakes and there is activity beginning once again.

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I knew it was about to happen - a light dusting of snow fell during the overnight hours. I suppose it was inevitable and that there is more to come as we move further into Spring. The new growth of this day lily I’m sure has retreated for a little while.

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This image of the Super Worm Moon of last evening was captured on my phone, high in the sky this morning from my kitchen window just as the sun was beginning to rise. The name "Worm Moon" came about from the essence of Spring, given that it is the time of year that the ground begins its thaw and the earthworms surface just birds begin to feed from the ground again.

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My walk this afternoon ended up at a favourite spot. I’m happy to sit and watch these tiny lake waves propel the ice shards ashore for hours, but I only stayed at this spot for ten minutes or so today. I’m thrilled to be able to document the subtle changes that each day brings in this amazing environment I’m blessed to call home.

There is so much more open water at this end of the lake now and each day the ice dance will shrink into full blown Spring. There were lots of loons frolicking in the water at the edges of the larger floes further out. They are fast little birdies and always a special sight to see when a group take off low to the waters’ surface.

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I know I often say this but it really is about the simple things whenever you can find time for them.

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I set off on a short walk late this afternoon - it turned into a long walk! Sometimes that happens, it is easy to get lost in the wonder of the changing lakescape but then one comes to the realization that one has to walk all the way home again if one doesn’t want to call one’s hubby for a rescue ride home.

The sounds of the lake are almost magical at this point in the season. The ice produces a sensory experience that for some I’m sure is likened to fingernails on a chalkboard. But not me, this is the time of year that I ‘hear’ movement.

No big blue blocks of ice along this part of the shore at the moment. I’m not sure if they are still there, as I haven’t ventured further north for a few weeks. But this is still a sight to behold. The day was a bit grey with the sun managing to peek through briefly…and I mean briefly. The lake still has a gorgeous green colour with the light, again I’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing.

It was lovely to see a few neighbours out walking too…some I haven’t seen in so long other than under the cover of winter clothing…our covid hair has grown and we still look fab but have to take a second look sometimes and just make sure they are who we think they are…oh dear…it’s all GOOD!

Anyway, after a couple of days being absent from here, some photo’s of the lake today…

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Just a sprinkle - A LAKE FOR ALL SEASONS

It’s been a funny sort of a day here weather wise. Warm and sunny mixed with dull and windy. I went out for a walk late this afternoon and wasn’t sure if I’d make it home dry, but I did. It looked as if there was a bit of rain on the western shores of the lake but the again I suppose it could still be ice sheets. The water is definitely opening up with this warmer weather…yay!

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Another gorgeous morning! I started my walk a little later today and met up with a friend along the way. She was just on her home stretch as I was setting out. It’s always good to play catch up, even though we see each other a few times during the week. She is always busy with so many creative projects that leave me in awe of her energy. She is currently busy with creating maple syrup with the sap collected from trees on her property. It all sounds so delicious and reminds me of the school trips my children used to take to various sugar shacks when they were young. It seemed like a good opportunity to take a photograph of some of her sap buckets today. I might see if I can snap a photo the the sugarmaker at work one of these days.

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I don’t mind too much getting up early on a Monday morning in the Spring to take the rubbish out because I usually take a few steps more and head down to the dock to watch the sun rise into the sky as a new day dawns.

I’m grateful to these feet that carry me there, even though they don’t always feel like it. When one has lived with chronic pain for many decades it is so important to find something to be in gratitude for each day and that something may be seemingly as simple as a sunrise. It can keep things in perspective and give us strength to embrace a new day.

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There was that Spring crispness in the morning air…a refreshing chill that waken us and brings our senses to life on a day like this. I hope that more people would find two minutes each morning to stand on their balcony in the city, or garden in the ‘burbs’ to breathe in the dawn.

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To ground themselves for the busy day ahead…

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To be aware and present in their surroundings, wherever they may be…

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Good morning world.


It was a busy day and in the excitement of it, I completely forgot to post yesterday!

I went for a lovely long walk in the morning, meeting up with one of my walking companions part way. Then onto the more mundane activities of laundry, housework catch-up, detailing my car after the long winter and such.

I have a new drone, well it’s my first drone, a gift from my beloved earlier this year. I was beyond excited to receive it as I’ve thought about owning one for a few years now. It has been sitting here all charged up, apps downloaded and eagerly awaiting perfect flying conditions. Yesterday was the day when I was urged to take the plunge so to speak. Truth be known, I was apprehensive to say the least to take my first flight.

A few people I’d spoken to previously relayed stories of how easy they are to fly, especially if you’ve used the remotes for gaming (note, I’m sixty years old and have never ‘gamed’ in my life). I also have an old brain injury that leaves me struggling to co-ordinate my hands for such things. Others retold stories of how they had a go and crashed…and it goes on, so no pressure.

So with a paper in hand of a few notes to remind me of how to make some manoeuvres, I was as set as I’d ever be. So here is the result of my first flight. I have a steep learning curve and a lot of confidence to build, but oh my gosh, I LOVE flying…and I didn’t crash! Here is your introduction to ‘Dronescapes’.

Happy Spring Equinox - A LAKE FOR ALL SEASONS

Today I thought I’d share a photograph from today and one from the same day last year. Another gorgeous day outside but spent mostly inside on an electronic learning curve…my head hurts wondering if I’ll ever get the hang of information overload.

But today I honour the Spring Equinox…I’ve been waiting the whole winter for this. We are now on the right side of a new season!


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March 20, 2020…

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A gorgeous day today, most of which I have been inside for preparing samples and organizing myself to film some video jewellery tutorials for a Youtube channel that I’m having fun creating content for.

I’m just back from a short walk along to another public dock about half a mile away. I was shocked to see somebody fishing out on the ice, quite far out. I don’t know what they could be thinking…ice floes are on the move and breaking up as the lake moans…such an eerie sound.

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Ooops! I had every intention of writing a short post last night but as I sat down to do so, the dreaded computer update stopped me in my tracks. Honestly some of these updates are SO time consuming, therefore I gave up waiting and the post didn’t happen.

There wasn’t much to show you yesterday as I didn’t go very far, but this first picture was one I took on my way to pick up the post near our little bit of beach. Our lovely neighbour, that has taken it upon himself to dredge the shoreline each Spring of these sharp shelled zebra type mussel shells, is moving…water shoes from here on in I guess.

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So for today’s post I was further along the lake to pick up the wee laddie from school and walk back by the lake. Another pretty dull day without much in the way of colour…but beautiful and at least a bit warmer; I’ll take it!

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I felt super energized today for some very strange reason. My energy level is usually pretty constant, well actually usually bordering on low. My day began early with a short walk down to the dock to watch the sunrise. I think now that the clocks have moved forward an hour I will get back to this morning routine. It’s beyond peaceful with the birds singing and the odd small flock of geese flying overhead. Once the water is thawed and is open again it is such a beautiful sight to watch the geese coming in to land against the sunrise.

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As I was standing on the dock near one of the barges, I was looking into the water noticing how much the ice was reduced from last night, when my eye was drawn to the movement in the water. It was a school of minnows. There appeared to be thousands of them all moving together in synchrony.

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Back to the house and I was off for an early appointment at a local garage to have my winter tires removed…YAY…this must mean that Spring has to be just around the corner (I know we’re not out of the woods yet, but we are on our way!). I completed a few messages while I was in town and returned home once again.

Now time for my walk! It ended up being about four miles round trip…cold but sunny. I saw quite a few small ice floe formations that had left various states of disaster in their wake. This first photograph has left someone with a large repair bill, I have no doubt. It is quite surreal watching the ice move and destroy structures as if they were made from matchsticks…oh my!

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Clear cold water - A LAKE FOR ALL SEASONS

It was a quiet day around here today. The clocks went forward last night and it always seems to throw me for a bit of a loop.

I took a long walk this morning with the wind at my back on the way home. I went down to the shore where the lovely ice piles were a few days ago. They are all but gone for now but I’m sure will be back again as the thaw continues. I did take a couple of photographs but in all honesty, they were uninspiring and a little depressing if I’m honest. The shoreline was totally disrupted with sand and silt up in the air on the edges of some remaining ice chunks. You can see how fragile our shorelines are with the erosion after the winter.

Instead I took a couple of photographs tonight of the edges of the melting ice looking like lace against the green tint of the winter. The green is more due to the light conditions tonight rather than anything more sinister I believe…well I hope so anyway.

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It also seemed as if the sunset had little to no energy to close the day…the sun just quietly left our sky tonight…still beautiful though.

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Sunset Blessings - A LAKE FOR ALL SEASONS

It has been a long day of concern for new friends who are experiencing the loss of three of six newborn pups and for the well-being of the mum who is under the very best emergency veterinary care after her labour went terribly not to plan. They are the breeders of our new addition, who is still only a twinkle in our eyes but we hope we will welcome home in the summer after a year long wait. We are devastated to learn of this immense sadness unfolding today for all concerned. I felt the need to be down at the water tonight to say a little blessing during this struggle and I was greeted by such an incredible sunset. Sometimes when there are no words that seem adequate and it just doesn’t make sense, a sight like this brings some comfort that something greater is at work in the universe and a little pup and human family will be supported.

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I didn’t post anything yesterday, mostly because I was busy enjoying our wee grandson, Finn a.k.a. Bean and I didn’t manage to take my usual walk. It was a day to make memories, so we did. He did however accompany me on my walk this morning. At almost seven months old he loves sitting upright in the pushchair and ‘blethering’ the whole time…my joy!

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Upon our return home I couldn’t resist a quick look under the winter debris to see if any Spring shoots might be making an appearance. The snow miraculously disappeared in a matter of a couple of days of warmth and surprise, surprise; the day lilies that I planted last year are making an early appearance. I have hope!

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Noisy morning - A LAKE FOR ALL SEASONS

Another early walk this morning accompanied by lots of birdie noise. The geese are becoming very vocal and the number of small flocks have been increasing over the past few days. It was delightful to see these three checking out the storm pond opposite the lake. I saw plenty of Cardinals, Blue Jays, Red Wing Blackbirds, a Downy Woodpecker or two and many Chickadees. The Chickadee in my photograph (if you can make it out) was checking out a new nesting site in a hole on the side of this branch. There must be enough space for a nest as there was only the tip of the tail visible with its determination to get inside.

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The ice is slowly being moved, I’m sure if there is wind next week this will all get quite high. It looks like about five feet tall today.

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Spring is coming - A LAKE FOR ALL SEASONS

I’ve spent quite a lot of time outside today and it has ‘filled my cup’. The sun has been sending its warmth to melt the snow and encourage new growth to consider popping above ground after many months nestled in the dark earth. I have a renewed sense that winter is beginning her farewell tour.

The ice has heaved a little more this morning in this particular spot. It great to have the opportunity to see the progression of the thaw each day.

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The photograph below is 12 km further south along the shore and the view my little grandson sees as we walk home from school to his house when the weather allows…it’s quite a trek for a four year old…but how lucky is he?


The cracks in the ice surface have begun to appear at this location but the fishers are still out there fishing for a long as they can. I think the ice fishing will be done in the next week…at least the commercial huts should be off the ice. That probably won’t stop the risk takers just yet though I’m afraid.